

EGD dispokineticians offer workshops focusing on different themes.

Information Events

The EGD regularly offers information events throughout Germany. Here, the theoretical and practical aspects of Dispokinesis and the structure of the training course are introduced.

Continuing Education

Continuing education events are only open to certified Dispokinesis teachers and participants of the 3-year formation. Should the number of participants be limited, the official members of the EAD are admitted first.

Current Events

Training Course

The EGD offers, mostly in connection with the Training Course, Information Events all over Germany. Here the Dispokinesis and the course in its structure are introduced theoretically and by practical exercises.


The dispokinetician starts with an in-depth general and profession-related anamnesis of the student, which is followed by a sensory and psychomotoric analysis while the student is playing or singing as well as an examination without an instrument. The aim of the Dispokinesis is to devise individually tailored strategies to overcome the problematic aspects of the student’s musical performance. This process takes its course in private lessons where the dispokinetician accompanies the student with ‘eliciting’ and confirmation and aims to find positive sensations and movement patterns. In other words, Dispokinesis seeks a return to an original way of being, thus freeing intuition and creativity. The key to this is to become aware of primordial movements and of one’s present-day stereotypical postures and patterns of movement.

Through this sensomotoric maturation process, the student regains competence over his own original pattern of movement and can once again freely dispose of his/her musical and artistic expression

If you are interested in Dispokinesis lessons, you can find dispokineticians in your area.